Guiding Principles for Writing Proposals & Contracts

Guiding Principles to Sales Proposals

Writing proposals for marketing work can be a challenge, especially when you do not have productized services or “packages,” but rather build out custom scopes of work. When your proposals take hours upon hours to develop, you should re-evaluate your process and proposal structure. The Golden Rule of Proposal Writing: Focus on the Prospect’s Objectives…

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5 Biggest Challenges To Marketing Your Own Agency

5 Biggest Challenges To Marketing Your Own Agency

Challenges was the “nicer” word to use, but really, today I want to talk about the top excuses that are keeping you from marketing your own agency in an effective way and causing you to rely on referrals as your primary income stream. These excuses fall into five primary categories: 1. Client Work Comes First… …but then…

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Crafting A Three-Legged Stool of Agency Income

Crafting A Three-Legged Stool of Agency Income

Your agency should diversify its sources of income primarily because the market ebbs and flows and you need to not hedge all your bets in one place. Depending on your form of agency services, your target customers, and the way your organization is structured, market changes will affect you in different ways in different seasons.…

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Humans are Not Designed to Be 100% Efficient 100% of the Time

Humans are Not Designed to Be 100% Efficient 100% of the Time

In this discourse, to be “inefficient” does not mean one is being ineffective with time, or wasting time. Rather, it means allocating time away from activities that would contribute to your agency utilization rate towards activities support a larger outcome of curiosity, ownership, impact, and camaraderie of your team and subsequently reduce the likelihood of…

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Applying The Pareto Principle to Digital Content Promotion

Applying The Pareto Principle to Digital Content Promotion

Origins of the 80/20 Principle The 80/20 Principle (or Rule) originated in the field of macroeconomics to paint a picture of the distribution of Italian wealth in the early 1900’s. (Thank you Vilfredo Pareto). Now-a-days, most businesses and industries have found a similar “80/20” rule that also applies to their business, customers, finances, operations, you…

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How the Pieces of the Inbound Funnel Fit Together

How the Pieces of the Inbound Funnel Fit Together

Inbound marketing is not single marketing item. It’s a system of marketing items that guide users through their research process and buyer’s journey, answering their top of mind questions each step of the way to build trust in your solution and in your business. Phase 1: Publish Quality Content It starts with quality content that…

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Google Just Announced Part of Their 2021 Algorithm Update Plans

Google Just Announced Part of Their 2021 Algorithm Update Plans

Google often will share some sort of press release about upcoming Algorithm Updates, but now more than ever webmasters, marketers, and CEOs are more hawk-eyed about Google Updates. In the internet reliant world we now inhabit, a business can rise and fall at the whim of Google’s algorithm updates. Fortunately, their latest announcement about prioritization of…

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[HOW TO] The Anatomy of Valuable Lead Capture Content

[HOW TO] The Anatomy of Valuable Lead Capture Content

It’s 3:07, Thursday afternoon, the 28th of the month. Salespersons Jerry and Natalie are extremely worried. It’s 3:07, Thursday afternoon, the 28th of the month. Salespersons Angie and Freddy aren’t worried at all. What’s the difference? Well, it’s the end of the month and sales quotas haven’t been met because Jerry and Natalie’s company website…

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