5 Ways to Recession Proof Your Marketing Agency

People Upside Down on A Roller Coaster

There are different stances on the state of the economy as of Q2 of 2022, but the general consensus is that everything that went up, must come down at some point in the foreseeable future. Since a downtown is foreseeable, you have no excuse as an agency owner to not get your house in order…

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How This Agency Increased New Web Projects Revenue by 78%

This advertising and marketing agency has been serving their local community for 40 years. They became an established print and traditional marketing agency well before the internet became a boon for advertisers and made the pivot to also offer digital marketing services when they saw the market shift that direction. For years they did well…

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It’s Still Just a Polished Turd

Japanese Hikaru Dorodangos

In my assessment, many of the activities marketing agencies spend their time implementing in effort to market themselves and generate new business is wasted because at the end, it’s still just a polished turd. What is a Polished Turd? In the context of marketing your creative services or advertising agency, polished turds are the campaigns…

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Is it Good to Have a 5 Year Plan?

Is it good to have a 5 year plan

Change is one of the most constant companions in life, in relationships, and in work. I chuckle because within my family, the old adage of, “the only thing you can plan for is for the plan to change,” rings true regularly as the seasons change and the world continues revolving around the sun. Because of…

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What to Do When Prospects Don’t Understand What You Do

Over Ears Headset on Yellow Background

I had an interesting conversation recently and it made me realize something so obvious, I’d never given it much thought before. The short version is that the agency that was the matter of the conversation felt entirely misunderstood by onlookers and prospects. “Nobody understands what we do,” was the phrase that sparked intrigue. The list…

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How to “Poach Proof”​ Your Agency

How to Keep Recruiters from Poaching Your Marketing Agency

The battle for skilled talent was already waging before the response to COVID. It’s definitely worse now. 86% of young professionals (like, digital marketing employees) reported being willing to take a pay cut to work for a company where their values were aligned according to a LinkedIn study from 2018. Now years removed from that finding, I…

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How Well Does Your Marketing Agency Communicate?

How Well Does Your Agency Communicate

Marketing agencies are weird places. They typically never quite have either a horizontal nor vertical org chart, roles are often much more fluid, and major decision making sometimes is forced into tiny windows of evaluation. In light of this, how much communication is too much communication? How little communication is too little communication? Juxtaposing the…

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